
This gang hit about every shop in town. Most damage was done to the Ice Cream Parlour.IMG_2128

From left to right, Killer Karen Casey Fitzjerrell, the Tiny Texan; Cutie Cristal Downing (don’t let her baby face fool ya, folks—men fall at her feet); and notorious gunslinger Deadeye Downing.  Known to be holed up in the North Dakota Badlands.

16 responses to “MEDORA MAYHEM!!!!

  1. Too cute! But in all seriousness, I’ll be on the lookout for this gang whenever I head on over to the Badlands…


  2. Goodness! How was I to know those “ladies” were so depraved when I befriended them?!? Kcf


  3. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

    Too…words fail me, but I do love the photo and captions! You go ladies. Doris


  4. Proof that women ruled the west…yesterday, today and tomorrow! Have fun!


  5. In 1910 my grandfather, my mother’s father, set out from Iowa to seek land in Wyoming to homestead. He found a place he liked and one available near by for his wife’s mother, Great grandma to me, who decided she’s take up a homestead as well. They all came west on the train. My mother-to-be brought along her dog Towser. When asked what she’d find to feed him in those wilds of Wyoming, she replied, “Buffalo chips.” Anyway, scouting out the territory, Grandfather stopped in at a photo place, like you three gun-toting damsels, and dressed in cowboy regalia, six-gun, angora chaps and Stetson hat, sent the photo home on a postcard. “Well what do you think of the cowboy?” he wrote and then went to on say he got the claim and etc. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Wishing you continued Happy Trails, and getting more envious by the day.


  6. And you thought I was kidding about the squad car. . . .


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