Flaming Gorge

Flaming Gorge

Leaving Rock Springs was something akin to leaving a well-loved history book behind when visiting a friend: you want to share it and return to discuss at a later date but you hate leaving that beloved tome. Rock Springs had so much to offer but our time was limited; we managed a fleeting glimpse of Flaming Gorge, its red sandstone crags blending with the green of the valley as if Christmas was on its way.IMG_1940

Scooting up the road towards our turn-around destination, Jackson, we passed so much I’d like to return to see: the Wild Horse grazing grounds, the old historic district, the sand dunes, even the Reliance Tipple, and then the old stage coach route and all the various trails cutting through our road. But we knew we were headed to our beloved Jackson hideaway and a rest of eight days before turning around and heading east via a different route. A kind of elation hit us, silliness and singing and thinking of games we couldn’t possibly play while driving.IMG_1939

As the skies opened for their regular mountain afternoon summer downpour, I felt cleansed and happy, even with the mammoth unloading and unpacking before us. Not really home, but home at last.


8 responses to “JACKSON OR BUST

  1. Hmmmm. I think I read a “turn-around” of mindset in this post. The wide open landscapes just might be working magic on you, Pal. tt


  2. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

    Wyoming is a special place and I’m so glad you get the chance to travel those highways. Enjoy Jackson. Doris


  3. So now, eight days of bliss. No worries about tires and road conditions and such as travelers must contend with. Hope you’ll post photos of your condo and surrounding vistas.


  4. Lovely post, Andi. Enjoy your R&R in Jackson and soak up the western atmosphere.


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